Preventing Bottlemouth Syndrome

preventing bottle mouth syndrome

Bottlemouth syndrome, or baby bottle tooth decay, affects young children who are overexposed to sugar through drinking from a bottle. Sugars contained in drinks turn to acid in the mouth and damage tooth enamel. 

Best practices to avoid bottlemouth syndrome include:

  • Avoid or limit sugary drinks
  • Limit the time spent on a bottle
  • Don’t let baby take a bottle to bed
  • Brush teeth with a mild fluoride toothpaste twice daily

The condition mainly affects the front teeth but can spread to other teeth if not caught and treated early by a dentist who can spot decay early as part of a regular dental check-up routine and take corrective measures. 

Find out more about bottlemouth syndrome at

Basic Steps To Prevent Tooth Loss

prevent tooth loss

Losing one or more teeth is a worrying prospect, but there are things you can do to reduce the likelihood of this happening and to enjoy better oral health.

Key takeaways:

  • Don’t skip appointments with your dentist, even if you don’t have any obvious problems. Regular appointments help detect problems in their early stages. Regular cleanings help keep teeth and gums problem-free.
  • Quit smoking, as this habit increase the risk of developing infection and gum disease, which can lead to tooth loos.
  • Take oral hygiene seriously by brushing and flossing daily.

Missing teeth can be replaced, but prevention is always better than cure.

Read the full story here: 

Laughing Gas: A Serious Matter

laughing gas

Laughing gas, more properly known as nitrous oxide, is often a subject of humour — but laughing gas has a very serious application in dentistry.

Nitrous oxide is commonly used as a sedative to relax patients during minor procedures involving the teeth and gums. 

The benefits of laughing gas:

  • Relaxes patients without rendering them unconscious
  • Is ideal for nervous patients and children
  • Is considered safe and effective

Although reactions from laughing gas are rare, they can happen if the dentist accidentally administers too big a dose but such incidents are extremely unlikely. 

Find out more about laughing gas at

The Dental Health Risks from Crooked Teeth

Crooked or misaligned teeth are quite common, but for some people it may impact on their dental health. Your dentist can advise on the treatment options available to correct alignment issues.

Key takeaways:

  • Crooked teeth are harder to clean thoroughly, leading to a buildup of bacteria which increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Having crooked teeth can result in a misaligned bite, placing you at increased risk of pain and discomfort from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).
  • A misaligned bite can make chewing difficult and uncomfortable.

If you have crooked teeth, talk to your dentist about orthodontic options (braces) that can give you straight teeth quickly — and that are often barely noticeable.

Read the full story here

Tips for Cleaning Teeth while Wearing Braces

tips for cleaning teeth while wearing braces

Metal braces are great for straightening teeth but can make brushing and flossing difficult. 

Top tips:

– Use an electric toothbrush because the smaller rotating head is very effective at removing plaque.

– Talk to your dentist about using interdental cleaners or flossers to help clean under the metal wires.

– Consider using mouthwash too.

If you are struggling to keep your teeth clean, talk to your dentist who will be able to provide more tips.

“If you do choose to stick with a manual toothbrush, keep in mind that your toothbrush bristles may wear out faster than normal.”

Read more:

Three Good Reasons To Quit Smoking Today

three good reasons to quit smoking today

Dental treatments like extractions, root canals, and implants have a high success rate, but a smoking habit could jeopardise the outcome of these and other treatments.

Key takeaways:

  • Smoking affects the immune system, making it less able to fight infection and other possible complications.
  • Tobacco use interferes with blood circulation, so swelling and delayed recovery are common among smokers.
  • In some cases, the procedure may fail or may need to be reversed.

Save yourself the hassle by investing in the health of your teeth and gums. A chat with your dentist is a good first step toward quitting smoking.

Read the full story here:

Halloween Candies 101: How to Protect Your Teeth

halloween candies 101 how to protect your teeth

Are you looking forward to eating candy this Halloween? If so, you are not alone. However, let’s also keep in mind that your oral health needs to be taken into account. Here is some “sweet” advice to consider:

  • Chewy or gummy candies can become easily lodge traces of stickiness between your teeth.
  • Healthier alternatives include sugar-free gum, nuts and dark chocolate.
  • Nuts within candy may help to scrape away sticky substances between your teeth.

“Always remember to drink water to help buffer your teeth from sugar, and keep your regular appointments with your dentist for a healthy smile.”

Check out which Halloween candies are unhealthy:

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