Philips ZOOM! Teeth Whitening

Your smile is the first things people notice when you meet them. A whiter, brighter smile can help you feel better about yourself, feel more confident and make a memorable impression.

Zoom! Whitening system

Philips Zoom! whitens 6 shades in 1 hour!*

Philips Zoom! contains ingredients which are proven to reduce tooth sensitivity, it is EU compliant and conforms to safety regulations.


Book a check up


To make sure your teeth and gums are suitable for the whitening treatment, we will need to arrange a check-up  first.

If we can go ahead, we’ll take impressions of your teeth so we can make the custom-made trays which you can use for top ups at home.

Book a check up
Attend your whitening appointment

Whiten your teeth in one hour

We will invite you back for the whitening treatment when your trays are ready.  

During this appointment, we will discuss the shade you want to achieve and then apply the whitening solution to your teeth. 

The Philips Zoom! lamp is then used to activate the whitening solution.

The treatment is made up of four 15 minute sessions, all in the same visit.

Attend your whitening appointment
After the appointment

Keeping your smile white

We will provide you with a home whitening kit so you can keep your smile white at home. 

After the appointment

Whitening can improve the appearance of your teeth which can get stained and darkened by various things such as coffee, tea, red wine & smoking. 

Non-professional procedures and clinically unproven teeth whitening tips can often lead to unsatisfactory results, you should look for a whitening procedure that is:

The Zoom treatment is

  • Fast and convenient
  • Long lasting
  • Low sensitivity
  • Proven to be safe and effective
  • Performed by a Dental Professional
Teeth whitening, Swindon

“I can only say how pleased I am with the end result. My teeth were, as you know, a complete mess before the treatment but you managed the whole thing with ultimate success. And, of course, I cannot pass without a word of praise for the girls who were always cheerful, understanding and so kind.”

Mr D, Farringdon

Teeth Whitening - FAQs

Arrange a Consultation

Speak to us about getting your teeth whitened
Call 01793 521646

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