Can Dental Implants Shift Around Or Become Discoloured?

can dental implants shift around or become discoloured

Implants can solve several dental concerns and restore your smile. But you may be wondering if having implants means you won’t have to worry about discolouration or crooked teeth.

Key takeaways:

  • If the procedure is done correctly, implants won’t get crooked.
  • Implants themselves don’t get discoloured, but the crowns placed on top may do so.
  • To avoid discolouration, you may want to choose stain-resistant porcelain crowns.

If your crowns become discoloured, your dentist will be able to recommend a suitable whitening treatment to restore them to their original colour.

Read the full story here:

When Is a Child’s Thumb Sucking a Problem?

child's thumb sucking a problem

Thumb sucking is a normal part of childhood development and yet, this habit can lead to oral issues if it continues past the age of five. What are some concerns that parents should keep in mind?

  • The thumb-sucking could cause the adult teeth to erupt crooked.
  • The development of the jaw could likewise be affected.
  • This leads to a condition known as a malocclusion, which may require braces to straighten the teeth or correct the bite.

If your child still sucks their thumb as their permanent teeth come in, it can cause issues with the growth and the alignment of the teeth.

Learn more about when you should speak with a dentist:

Is Alcohol Harmful for Your Oral Health?

is alcohol harmful for oral health

When you consume excess alcohol regularly, you increase your risk of dental problems. Consuming less alcohol as part of a healthier lifestyle, plus regular visits to the dentist can help prevent these oral health issues.

Key takeaways:

  • Alcohol can be very acidic which erodes tooth enamel, even more so if you do not regularly brush your teeth.
  • The dehydrating effects of alcohol means less saliva and affects the protection of the enamel of your teeth.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing oral cancer.

“Drinkers also tend to have more plaque in their oral cavities, which can accumulate around the gums to cause the irritation and infection characteristic of gum disease. In people who have existing gum disease, drinking can make the condition worse!”

See your dentist twice a year to get an oral exam and cleanings that will help prevent complications.

Read the full story here

Three Things That Could Be Causing Bad Breath

three things that could be causing bad breath

It’s normal to experience bad breath after eating foods that contain onions or garlic, but there are other things that could be causing this embarrassing problem.

Key takeaways:

  • Not drinking enough water, especially when combined with the consumption of alcohol.
  • A build-up on bacteria on your tongue – you can use a tongue scraper to help with this.
  • Smoking or following a severe diet.

Bad breath could also be linked to problems with your teeth and gums, which is why you should keep all your cleaning and check up appointments with your dentist.

Read the full story here: 

These Foods And Drinks Can Stain Your Teeth

these foods and drinks can stain your teeth

Red wine often gets singled out as a beverage that can give your teeth a darker shade. This is due to its tannins and chromogens. But there are other foods and drinks that can do the same.

Key takeaways:

  • Coffee and green tea contain similar staining substances.
  • Cherries, berries, and tomatoes are also high in staining chromogens. 
  • Grapes, turmeric, and walnuts are high in tannins, which can cause discolouration.

If you consume any of these regularly, ask your dentist about the best ways of minimising their staining effect on your teeth.

Drinking water can lessen the effects on teeth, as can eating food whilst drinking dark 

Read the full story here:

Getting The Best Mouthguard For Your Child

getting the best mouth guard for your child

Mouthguards are often recommended to protect children and youngsters who practise sports. Here are some pointers on how to choose the best one.

Key takeaways:

  • Over-the-counter mouthguards are readily available, but they don’t offer a comfortable fit and make breathing harder.
  • By contrast, custom mouthguards cover every single teeth and gum tissue too.
  • Your dentist will get you started in having a custom mouthguard created. 

Custom-made mouthguards offer the highest level of protection while being comfortable -and even fun to wear.

Read the full story here:

Catch Orthodontic Problems Early

catch orthodontic problems early

Six or seven years old may seem too soon to have a dentist assess a child’s teeth. But this is the optimum time as the bones are still growing and the first permanent teeth just starting to appear. 

Orthodontic treatment at this formative stage can save a lot of time and money later. 

Today’s braces are less of an issue than in the past as they are:

  • Less noticeable
  • Lighter and less chunky
  • More comfortable

Two conditions that particularly benefit from early orthodontic treatment are crossbites and protruding front teeth which should be treated at the earliest stage possible. 

Read more about early orthodontics at

The Root Cause of Toothache

the root cause of toothache

Although it is not always the case, toothaches can often be traced back to tooth decay. This is because the decay affects the tooth’s inner pulp and root nerves as well as causing cavities and inflammation. 

Avoiding tooth decay is the best way to avoid toothache and this can be achieved by brushing and flossing daily in combination with regular check-ups at the dentist. Other less common culprits include:

  • Damaged or ageing dental work
  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Injury to the teeth, jaw or mouth

Toothache is something that should never be simply ignored as it will continue to get worse until it’s treated and you can find out more at

Sensitive Teeth and Gums?

sensitive teeth and gum

Both the teeth and the gums can become sensitive and may require the intervention of a dentist. However, it is important to note that each of these conditions is slightly different. What are the three factors to take into account before seeking treatment?

  • Gum sensitivity may be an early sign of gingivitis or gum disease.
  • Sensitive teeth can be caused by cavities, cracks or worn enamel.
  • While both of these will produce discomfort, each needs to be treated in its own way.

“When it comes to your mouth, two of the main cogs in the engine are the gums and teeth.”

Read more about the differences between sensitive gums and sensitive teeth:

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